Alex Swailes

Alex's Northumbrian Repertoire

PDFs of the words and music for all of the songs featured in the archive recordings (and many others from Alex's repertoire) can be found below.

Click to open or download.

The Banks of the Dee

Billy Boy

The Blaydon Races

But It's Mine

The Cheviot Hills - 2013 arrangement

The Cheviot Hills - Choral and Instrumental

The Cliffs of Old Tynemouth

Come Geordie Haad the Bairn

Cuddle In, Me Darling

Cullercoats Fish-Lass

Cushie Butterfield

Divvent Clash the Door

The Dorty Work

Grace Darling

Harrin's Heid

Hev Ye Seen Wor Jimmy

Keep Your Feet Still, Geordie Hinny

Neighbours Doon Belaa

North of the Tyne

Northumberland Alone

There'll be no one else for me

Wor Nanny's a Mazer



Archive Recordings

My Tributes 

Musical Memories 

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